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A little about us...

Are you ready for story time?
The beginning...

During 2020, it's fair to say that anxiety was at an all-time high for many. While we all have our crutches to lean on from time to time, the lack of work for some of us and the overwhelming amount of work for others made our crutches a lot easier to lean on. And as we leaned in a little more and a little more, we started thinking - there has to be a better way. 


Introduce CBD.

We found hemp to relieve a lot of our day-to-day concerns and after looking further into the benefits of CBD, its related terpenes, and other cannabinoids - hemp quickly became a more natural and safer way to help, when needed.

...Why CBD?...

Cannabis Sativa- or what is better known as Hemp, has been used for it's calming effects dating back to the third century BC. With that type of track record, when we were looking to create a beverage with a calming effect, Hemp was the natural way to go. Through a very unique process of extraction, we take the hemp flower and infuse it directly into our beverage. This allows our customers to not only experience the benefits of CBD, but all other aspects of the Hemp plant and its related Terpenes. We only use farms that we trust and that can provide a high quality, pesticide free product!

...Okay...but Teas?

So, going back to the beginning it was 2020. Some people learned to paint, some baked, some learned needlepoint and Ben cooked...a lot! During all that time cooking he was able to perfect the way he extracts the hemp and thought "Can I make a CBD drink that's refreshing and doesn't taste like a plant?" His first thought living in Florida was easy...make iced tea!


We already knew of some CBD beverages out there but honestly, we were having a hard time finding a good variety, that didn't taste like Hemp, and although we love a good sparkling water a lot of the CBD drinks are carbonated, and we wanted something different and began experimenting making our own, unique iced tea blends. After tons of research, trial and error, and some really rank flavors gone wrong... we finally got it right! 


And we are pleased to welcome you to CBTea....


 Our drinks are crafted using carefully curated ingredients to ensure the highest quality. Try a new way of unwinding, rebuilding, rejuvenating, or celebrating!

....So Who Are These People?...

Well...three people with anxiety issues get on a boat one day...


Fortunately, this is not the start of a bad joke and instead it's actually the beginning of this wonderful partnership! 

Jared Rosenberg

Jared Rosenberg

Managing Partner 
Ben Grossman

Bernard Grossman

Managing Partner

Danielle Pollock

Managing Partner
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